How to Increase Breast Milk in One Day
If you want to boost your milk supply fast, THIS is for you!
Many things can lead to your supply temporarily dipping, such as the return of your period, an illness (especially with a fever), taking certain medications, and even not drinking enough fluids.
When your breast milk suddenly drops - it can be SO disheartening.
Just as your milk supply can easily take a dip, it can also bounce back quickly if you know what to do!
Here are both breastfeeding + pumping tips to quickly Increase your Breast Milk In One Day…
(this post may contain affiliate links)
Disclaimer: Did you know low milk supply is rare?
According to Le Leche League: “Low milk supply is one of the most common concerns of mothers, leading to formula use.”
Want to know if you TRULY have low milk supply? Watch your baby. Are they having enough wet/dirty diapers for their age? Are they growing steadily at their appointments? Odds are your milk supply is just where it should be. But if you want to give yours a boost… read on!
The absolute most RELIABLE and FAIL PROOF way to increase your breast milk in one day is to REMOVE MORE MILK!
Your milk supply is ALL about demand and nothing else can come CLOSE to quickly increasing your milk supply quite like removing more milk.
You can remove more milk in 2 different ways...
You can either:
Empty the breasts MORE FREQUENTLY by breastfeeding or pumping more often.
BETTER EMPTY the breasts each time you breastfeed/pump.
Ways to empty your breasts more frequently To Increase Breast Milk
NOTE: Frequency is MORE important than the amount of time spent feeding/pumping to increase the rate of milk production.
Add in extra breastfeeding sessions
After your baby finishes a feed, bounce them for 10-20 minutes and allow them to burp. This’ll make room for more milk and then feed them again as soon as they’re ready.
Take a nursing vacation or pumping holiday
Take baby to bed with you for 2-3 days, and do nothing but breastfeed or pump (frequently!) and rest.
Increase the amount of middle-of-the-night feeds
Take advantage of peak prolactin levels (the milk-making hormone) that occurs between midnight and 5 a.m by waking your baby for a feeding.
Avoid pacifiers if possible
All of baby’s suckling needs should be met at the breast in order to boost milk supply, especially in the first month.
Need/want to introduce a pacifier after the 1st month?
Related Article: 4 Best Pacifiers for Breastfed BabiesAdd in extra pumping sessions
Pump after or between feedings. Pumping is very important when baby is not nursing efficiently or frequently enough, and can speed your milk supply up in all situations.
Related Article: 10 Rules To Pump Like A ProPump the other breast while your baby is nursing
PRO-TIP: Do this for the first morning feed. You make the most milk in the morning so you may be able to get the most out during this session!
Want to get more milk out each time you pump? Try THIS cool little gadget!
Ways to better empty your breasts during breastfeeding To Increase Milk Supply
Make sure baby is latched on well
If your baby’s latch isn’t great, then it’s important for you to express milk to maintain milk supply while the breastfeeding problems are being addressed.
Use of nipple shields or various health or anatomical problems in baby can affect the latch.
To correct a bad latch, reach out to an IBCLC (International Board Certified Lactation Consultant) as soon as possible! Find an IBCLC
Related post: How to Fix a Shallow LatchOffer both breasts at each feeding
Let baby finish the first side, then offer the second side.
Try switch nursing
Switch nursing means you switch back and forth between breasts multiple times during a feeding. This can encourage a sleepy or distractable baby to keep nursing for longer.
Use breast massage and compressions
Use massage and compressions to help get more milk out and keep your baby feeding longer.
Incorporate hand expression
Hand expression is a technique that can boost your milk supply when added to your daily routine. You can do a quick 2-minute session before, after, or between breastfeeding or pumping sessions. Learn how to hand express HERE.
Ways to better empty your breasts during pumping:
Make sure your pump is fitted correctly and working well
Make sure you have the correct size flanges. Having the wrong-size flange can negatively affect your pumping output and your milk supply. Replace valves/membranes in your pump about every 4-8 weeks and replace your tubing immediately if it gets any moisture in it.
Keep pumping for 2-5 minutes after the last drops of milk
Incorporate hands-on pumping.
Use a hands-free pumping bra and use breast compressions while pumping to squeeze more out!
Related Article: The SMUSH Method: How To Do Hands-On Pumping To Double Your OutputDo power pumping to your increase milk supply
Power pump by doing a pumping “power hour.” Pump for 10 min. Rest for 10 min. Pump for 10 min. Rest for 10 min. Pump for 10 minutes more.
PRO-TIP - If you’re serious about increasing milk supply the best pumps are hospital grade double electric pumps. They’ve been proven to be the best pumps to empty breasts most effectively. Sometimes insurance companies will cover their rentals.
Related Article: 47 Pumping Hacks And Tips
Supplemental ways to increase milk supply:
Removing more milk is the GOLD STANDARD for increasing your breast milk quickly and is the best way to do so. You should always look to removing more milk as the primary way to increase your milk supply.
Want to remove more milk every time you breastfeed? We recommend every breastfeeding mama has one of THESE.
Think of the following as complimentary ways that may increase your milk supply that should always go hand-in-hand with removing more milk.
Lactogenic Foods to Increase Milk Supply:
Certain foods nourish a breastfeeding body better than others, and some may even boost your supply! Here’s a list of foods that are great for milk-making mamas…
yams, beets, carrots
dark, leafy greens
green papaya
fennel/fennel seed
oats, barley
flax seed
chickpeas, lentils
raw nuts
brewers yeast
sesame seeds
Have you tried lactation cookies? They're a PERFECT one-handed breastfeeding snack and contain 3 lactogenic foods! (oats, flax seed, and brewers yeast) Plus, who doesn't want an excuse to eat a daily cookie!
Here's our favorite lactation cookie mix that you can get on Amazon!
supplements to increase milk supply:
Lactation supplements contain galactagogues (also known as foods or herbs that can increase breast milk supply). Because of potential side effects, make sure you use them with caution and discuss taking them first with your healthcare provider and lactation consultant.
Here are our favorites:
Bonus tips to maintain your milk supply
Drink enough water
Being dehydrated (even slightly) can negatively impact your milk supply. So while drinking extra water won’t boost your breast milk, drinking to thirst throughout the day will ensure you don’t get dehydrated and cause your milk supply to go down.
Related Article: Water and breastfeeding: What You Need to Know
Eat enough
Breastfeeding requires an eating an additional 500 calories a day. Make sure you stay nourished and eat a well-balanced diet.
Add Milk Dust Protein Powder into your daily smoothie to help boost your milk supply (AND help with postpartum weight loss!)
Get 10% OFF Milk Dust Protein Powder!
(use the coupon code: MILKOLOGY at checkout)
Seek medical help if you don’t see an increase in milk production in 72 hours. If your milk supply continues to be an issue for you, your healthcare provider may be able to write a prescription for drugs that can increase your milk supply.
Our 3 FAV Breastfeeding Products
🌛 1. This nursing bra is the absolute BEST for breastfeeding at night. It’s super comfortable and made of the softest material ever. You’ll want to wear it forever to sleep in, even after you’re done breastfeeding.
💪 2. Boost supply and tone up postpartum. Milk Dust is protein powder made just for breastfeeding moms. It nourishes and tones postpartum bodies (and contains milk boosting ingredients too!) Get 10% off Milk Dust using the code MILKOLOGY at checkout
🤱 3. If your nipples are sore, these are an absolute lifesaver. They’re super cheap, can be worn for multiple days (perfect when you’re trying to get a good latch), and are soooo soothing.