47 Pumping Hacks + Tips (The Ultimate List!)

Did you know you can get better at pumping?

It’s true!

Pumping isn’t as straight-forward as just pressing a button and lettin’ the milk flow.

And there are definitely some helpful tips and tricks that can help you pump easier, faster, and more effectively.

We’ve rounded up 47 of the best pumping tips out there to help you become a pumping PRO!

pumping hacks

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Get A Haakaa

If you take away just one tip it’s this: Invest in a haakaa!  (they’re super affordable and a total game-changer for collecting milk).  Haakaa’s use natural suction to express milk, allowing you to easily express one breast while your baby is feeding on the other.

Make A D.I.Y Hands-Free Pumping Bra

Get an old sports bra and cut 2 holes in the breast area.  You can then insert the flanges from your pump and pump hands free!

Add The Power Of Milk Dust

For a milk supply and nutrition boost, add some Milk Dust to your favorite smoothie.  Milk dust is a lactation protein powder contains ingredients that help moms make more milk AND shed the baby weight.  (double win!)

Bring Home Free Pumping Goodies

If you pump in the hospital bring the attachments you use home with you.  Even if the attachments aren’t the same brand as your pump at home there are ways you can modify them and still use them!

The Sticky Note Hack

If you need to pump in a public bathroom, use a sticky note to cover the flusher to keep it from going off automatically.  

Don’t Get Stuck Without Nursing Pads

You can use sanitary pads or panty liners instead.


Take A Vitamin D Supplement

If you do it’ll perform double duty for you and your baby as some will make it into your breast milk for your baby.

Get A Free Breast Pump

Most insurance plans must cover the cost of a breast pump.  Fill out a quick from at Aeroflow Breast Pumps and they’ll contact your insurance company for you and let you know what you qualify for!

The Funnel Hack

Create an easy funnel for pouring breast milk.  You can use your breast pump flange to easily pour breast milk into your bags.

pumping hacks

Pump In The Mornin’

You’ll get the most milk out if you pump right after you wake up in the morning.  Your body produces the most prolactin (the milk-making hormone) between the time of 12am and 6am and so you’ll pump more in the a.m.

The Lactation Treat Trick

You can turn any homemade dessert into a lactation boosting treat by adding brewer’s yeast.  THIS brand of brewer’s yeast is the best-tasting and least bitter.

Download The Moms Pump Here App

This app allows you to locate baby-friendly places to breastfeed and pump out in public.

Have A Manual Back-Up

Buy a manual breast pump in case your electric pump bites the dust.  You can even use them for quick outings instead of lugging your big pump with you.  Our fav is THIS one because it’s affordable and is super durable and lasts forever.

The Clip Hack

Easily hold up your shirt when you’re breastfeeding or pumping using these cheap clips.

Learn The SMUSH Method

Want to double your pumping output?  Learn our trademark SMUSH method.

Keep An Extra Set

If you’re a working mama, you never know when you’ll forget a pump part of bottle.  Keep an extra set of pumping supplies at work.

Check Your Flange Size

Make sure you have the right size flanges for pumping.

pumping hacks

Pump In The Car

Make use of time spent in your vehicle by getting a car adapter so you can pump in your car.

Set An Alarm

If you’re a working mama or exclusive pumping, set reminders on your phone so you’re less likely to forget a pumping session.

Need A Milk Supply Boost?

Try a lactation bar.

Pump With Reminders

Look at photos or videos of your baby or smell their baby blanket to speed up your letdown reflex.

The Power Of Coconut Oil

Did you know there’s 8 different ways to use coconut oil for pregnancy, breastfeeding (and pumping!)

Up-Cycle Your Bev Boxes

You can use soda/seltzer water boxes to stores breast milk in your freezer.

pumping hacks

The Fridge Hack

The fridge hack. If you’ll be pumping a lot in the same day, you can refrigerate your pump parts so you can reuse them that day. 

Freeze Flat

Freeze breast milk storage bags flat on their side for easy stacking in the freezer.

The Gel Hack

Choose gel ice packs to freeze your milk.  They have a much lower freezing point to will keep your breast milk colder for longer. 

Zen It Out To Pump More

Relaxing will increase your milk output while you pump.

Heat Up Bottles Outside The Home

Bring a wide mouth thermos filled with hot water. 

Is Your Pediatrician Breastfeeding-Friendly?

Ask them these 7 questions.

Wash Separately

Have a dedicated basin and cleaning brush for your pump parts to avoid spreading bacteria.

Traveling And Need Privacy To Nurse?

Find a mamava near you!  They’re small lactation pods that provide a safe (and completely private) space to breastfeed or pump in public.

Adjust Your Settings.

Set your breast pump’s suction suction as high as you can with it still being comfortable for you.

Make Pumping More Comfy

Use Beaugen pump cushions to make your flanges feel like a pillow!

Freeze Some Lactation Cookies

Make lactation cookies in bulk!  Make a couple batches of lactation cookies and freeze the extra.  Whenever you need a milk supply boost, thaw some out.  We love a good lactation cookie mix because it makes the process of baking lactation cookies so easy!

Keep Your Supply Up When Your Period Returns

Just before your period starts, your blood calcium levels drop which may cause your milk supply to drop. To combat this, you can take a Calcium Magnesium Supplement.

Join A Free Support Group

Join an online breastfeeding support group on Facebook.  Our fav is Milky Mommas!

Have Someone Else Introduce A Bottle

When you’re ready to introduce a bottle, have someone else give it to your baby because they’ll be more likely to take it.  They associate you with breastfeeding!

Lactation Power Foods

There are over 57 lactogenic foods out there that help with milk production.  Here’s the full list.

Wash Pump Parts In A Flash

These quick steam bags are perfect for sanitizing on-the-go.

Pumping Cover

Use your nursing cover as a pumping cover.  When you’re pumping you need privacy too!

Special Toys Trick

Have a special toy bin you get out for older children to occupy them while you pump.

Think You Have Low Milk Supply?

You might not!  There are 12 common fake out signs of low milk supply.

The Ice Cube Hack

Pour your breast milk into ice cube trays and freeze.  You can then put the cubes into large plastic storage bags.  Each cube is 1 ounce of milk.

pumping hacks

Stock Up On The Right Snacks

You need to consume around 500 additional calories every day as a breastfeeding mom.  The best snacks are nutritious and easy to eat one-handed.  Here’s a great list of snacks.

Want Pumping Privacy?

Print out a cute, FREE pumping sign!

Start Back On A Wednesday.

If you're going back to work, consider starting back later in the week rather than a Monday so you can ease into a full week.

Avoid Certain Herbs

Some may lower your supply.  (peppermint, parsley, and sage are a few)

Our 3 Fav Breastfeeding Products

🌛 1. This nursing bra is the absolute BEST for breastfeeding at night. It’s super comfortable and made of the softest material ever. You’ll want to wear it forever to sleep in, even after you’re done breastfeeding.

💪 2. Boost supply and tone up postpartum. Milk Dust is protein powder made just for breastfeeding moms. It nourishes and tones postpartum bodies (and contains milk boosting ingredients too!)  Get 10% off Milk Dust using the code MILKOLOGY at checkout

🤱 3. If your nipples are sore, these are an absolute lifesaver. They’re super cheap, can be worn for multiple days (perfect when you’re trying to get a good latch), and are soooo soothing.


Coconut Oil Vs. Lanolin - Which is better?


Breastfeeding Tips For Managing Sore Nipples