The Smush™ Method: Hands-On Pumping to Double Your Output

How to do Hands-On Pumping to Get up to 50% more milk out!

Did you know that pumping only removes a FRACTION of the milk in your breasts?

The reason is simple… breast pumps only use suction.

Your baby uses both suction AND compression.

Hands-on pumping is a technique that combines the suction of pumping with the magical power of your hands to compress those milk ducts and get even more milk flowing.

It's like a superhero duo, pumping and hands, working together to save the day.

It’s one of the best kept secrets in the world of breastfeeding… and it can potentially DOUBLE the amount of milk you can remove at each session!

hands-on pumping to maximize milk production and get the most breast milk out!

(this post may contain affiliate links)

Hands-On Pumping is a Total game-changer!

Dr. Mortin from Stanford University had a genius idea to help preemie babies in the NICU get more milk. And what was that idea, you ask? Hands-on pumping, baby!

According to studies, moms using hands-on pumping were able to pump a whopping 48% more milk than those only using a boring old pump.

And that's not all. The milk they expressed was also chock-full of calories and fat because they were able to get more of that thick, creamy hind milk.


So if you want to be a milk-producing machine and give your baby the good stuff, get those hands in action!

Benefits of hands-on pumping

Are you ready to get your milk flowing? Let's take a look at why hands-on pumping is the way to go:

  1. Pump more milk. Hands-on pumping better empties the breasts than traditional pumping.

  2. No-cost, no-risk. The only thing you’ll be adding to your routine is your hands!

  3. Pump milk out more quickly. Help speed up the pumping process by pushing breast milk out of the milk ducts more quickly.

  4. More letdowns = more milk! With hands-on pumping, you can stimulate those extra letdowns and get even more milk flowing.

  5. Bigger milk supply, more milk for your little one! By maximizing milk removal, you'll also be maximizing your rate of milk production. Cha-ching!

  6. Boosts the fat & calorie content of your milk. Give your baby the good stuff! According to a study, hands-on pumping gets you twice as much fat in your milk than just pumping alone. So, pump it up, and get that fatty hind milk for your growing baby.

Who is hands-on pumping for?

It's not just for moms with preemies. Nope, anyone who's pumping their liquid gold can get in on the action.

By getting hands-on with your pumping game, you can help those milk makers drain fully, which means more milk for your little one - and let's face it, more milk means a happy baby and a happy momma! Plus, it's a great way to avoid the dreaded mastitis (ouchie).

But, as much as we love getting our pump on, it's important to remember that nothing beats the real thing - your baby! So, if you can, keep your little one close and snuggly as much as possible. But, if you've gotta be apart for some reason, then hands-on pumping will be your new BFF.


  • Mothers who are separated from their babies

  • Mothers with premature babies

  • Women with clogged ducts or mastitis

  • Any woman who pumps frequently

  • Mothers with babies in the NICU

  • Women who want to boost their milk production

  • Exclusive pumpers

  • Anyone who wants to pump extra milk

  • Women with low-milk supply

  • Women who want a freezer stash

  • Moms with babies who are struggling to gain weight

How to do hands-on pumping using the SMUSH Method™

When using the SMUSH Method for hands-on pumping you’ll be using your hands before, during, and after your pumping session to assist in milk expression.

It's like a secret handshake between you and your breasts.

The only equipment you’ll need is a double electric breast pump, a hands-free pumping bra and your hands!

*We always recommend this hands-free pumping bra because it’s super affordable and moms LOVE it. (its received thousands of 5-star reviews)

Get ready to SMUSH it up and unleash your milk-making potential like a boss…

SMUSH stands for:

S = Shake

M = Massage

U = Use a hands-free pumping bra

S = Smush and compress

H = Hand express


Begin by stimulating your breasts, shaking them, and waking them!


Do a quick round of breast massage to help stimulate your first letdown.

Use your fingers held flat against your breast and gently massage in a circular motion, similar to a breast self-exam. Pay extra attention to the outer edges of the breast.


You’ll need to be hands-free to properly do the SMUSH method.

Need a hands-free pumping bra? We recommend this one because it’s super affordable and moms absolutely love the quality.


While pumping, use your fingers and thumb to gently but firmly smush and compress both breasts, massaging the milk towards the nipple. Work your way all around the breast tissue, paying special attention to any spots that seem hard.

Repeat until your milk flow slows to a trickle.

Here’s a helpful video demonstrating SMUSHING your breasts…


OPTIONAL: Want to get more milk out each time you compress? Try THIS cool little gadget!


Hands-on pumping

After pumping, a quick round of hand expression is the critical last step to remove the hind milk.

Hand express until your milk subsides - usually after about 2-4 minutes.

Here’s a video demonstrating the art of hand expression…


2 bonus tips for hands-on pumping:

1. Experiment and develop your own technique.

With practice, you’ll find what works best for you. There is no rule except to not apply pressure so forcefully that it hurts.

2. Use the correct pump settings

Your pump setting is a personal thing!

Stronger suction does NOT mean that you will get out more milk.

To get the most milk out, your pump setting needs to imitate your baby.

In the beginning, use a faster speed with slightly lighter suction to mimic a hungry baby, then after the initial milk let down, change the speed to a slower setting and the suction to a slightly more intense setting to mimic the deeper swallows of a baby.

Our 3 FAV Breastfeeding Products

🌛 1. This nursing bra is the absolute BEST for breastfeeding at night. It’s super comfortable and made of the softest material ever. You’ll want to wear it forever to sleep in, even after you’re done breastfeeding.

💪 2. Boost supply and tone up postpartum. Milk Dust is protein powder made just for breastfeeding moms. It nourishes and tones postpartum bodies (and contains milk boosting ingredients too!)  Get 10% off Milk Dust using the code MILKOLOGY at checkout

🤱 3. If your nipples are sore, these are an absolute lifesaver. They’re super cheap, can be worn for multiple days (perfect when you’re trying to get a good latch), and are soooo soothing.


(Use the coupon code milkology1 to grab any of the following for free, just pay shipping!)

10 Pairs of Reusable Breast Pads

Pumping Cover

Related post about pumping:

7 Important Things Lactation Consultants Want You to Know About Pumping

Exclusive Pumping Schedules: How Often and How Long


Combining hand techniques with electric pumping increases milk production in mothers of pre-term infants. J Morton, JY Hall, RJ Wong, L Thairu, WE Benitz, and WD Rhine: Department of Pediatrics, Stanford University School of Medicine, Stanford, CA, USA: Journal of Perinatology (2009) 29 757-764

Stacey Stewart, C.L.E

Meet Stacey, the founder and creative force behind Milkology. As a mom of three, she gets how confusing and overwhelming breastfeeding can be. Her mission? To modernize lactation education — so moms all around the world can turn nursing woes into wins.♡
Because knowledge is power!


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