99 Breastfeeding Hacks + Tips (The Ultimate List!)

There are a LOT of things to learn as you begin your lactation adventure.

It’s a GREAT idea to take a simple and affordable breastfeeding class. Breastfeeding is something you need to LEARN to do. The Ultimate Breastfeeding Class is on-demand and perfect for new moms.

We came up with a master list of our favorite breastfeeding hacks and tips to help make breastfeeding and pumping easier for you. :)

breastfeeding hacks

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Get a Haakaa

If you take away just one tip it’s this: Invest in a haakaa!  (they’re super affordable and a total game-changer for collecting milk). Haakaa’s use natural suction to express milk, allowing you to easily express one breast while your baby is feeding on the other.

Use Cabbage For Engorgement

Cabbage eases engorgement pain by improving blood flow in the breasts.  Refrigerate the cabbage and remove 2 inner leaves.  Place inside your bra for up to 20 minutes.  (be careful not to overdo it because cabbage reduces your milk supply.)

Want a yummy way to boost your milk supply boost? Give THIS lactation cookie a try. (it's the best tasting out there!)

Make a D.I.Y Hands-Free Pumping Bra

Get an old sports bra and cut 2 holes in the breast area.  You can then insert the flanges from your pump and pump hands free.

Add The Power of Milk Dust

For a milk supply and nutrition boost, add some Milk Dust to your favorite smoothie.  Milk dust is a lactation protein powder that contains ingredients that help moms make more milk AND shed the baby weight.  (double win!)

Bring Home Free Pumping Goodies

If you pump in the hospital, bring the attachments you use home with you.  Even if the attachments aren’t the same brand as your pump at home there are ways you can modify them and still use them.

Track Your Newborn’s Input + Output

You’ll need to log your baby’s diaper output and how many feeding sessions you do per day for the first few weeks postpartum.  Easily keep track by printing out our FREE feeding + diaper tracker.  (1 sheet = 1 whole week)

The Sticky Note Hack

If you need to pump in a public bathroom, use a sticky note to cover the flusher to keep it from going off automatically.  

Ease Sore Nipples

If your nipples are sore, these are an absolute lifesaver. They’re super cheap, can be worn for multiple days (perfect when you’re trying to get a good latch), and they are soooo soothing.

Don’t Get Stuck Without Nursing Pads

You can use sanitary pads or panty liners instead.

Get a Nursing Pillow That’s portable!

The Lansinoh Nursie Breastfeeding Pillow is comfortable, portable, and helps support proper breastfeeding positioning while you’re out and about. Perfect for breastfeeding in public!

Ask For Samples After delivery

Some hospitals will give nipple cream samples, breast pad samples, and others.

Take a Vitamin D Supplement

If you do it’ll perform double duty for you and your baby as some will make it into your breast milk for your baby.

Get a Free Breast Pump

Most insurance plans must cover the cost of a breast pump.  Fill out a quick from at Aeroflow Breast Pumps and they’ll contact your insurance company for you and let you know what you qualify for. (aka - they do all the work for you)

Relief For a Teething Baby

Freeze some breast milk in an ice cube tray and then put one of the cubes into a Munchkin Fresh Food Feeder to give your baby a frozen breast milk popsicle.

Call a dairy fairy for the best skilled lactation help

If you ever need in person breastfeeding support, reach out to an IBCLC (international board certified lactation consultant).  They have the most training and knowledge in lactation.  We call them the “dairy fairies!”

the power of touch

Have your baby’s feet touching something when breastfeeding.  They seem to breastfeed better when their feet are touching something.  It makes them feel more secure.

the funnel hack

Create a funnel for pouring breast milk.  You can use your breast pump flange to easily pour breast milk into your bags.

breastfeeding tips and hacks

pump in the mornin’

You’ll get the most milk out if you pump right after you wake up.  Your body produces the most prolactin (the milk-making hormone) between the time of 12am and 6am and so you’ll pump more around that time.

Skin-to-skin for the win!

Studies consistently show that being skin to skin with your baby helps them in a lot of ways.  Babies LOVE it and it also helps them to latch more easily and feed for longer.

the lactation treat trick

You can turn any homemade dessert into a lactation boosting treat by adding brewer’s yeast. THIS brand of brewer’s yeast is the best tasting and least bitter.

download the Moms Pump Here app

This app allows you to locate baby-friendly places to breastfeed and pump out in public.

breastfeeding shouldn’t hurt

Get help if it hurts.  Breastfeeding may be a bit uncomfortable at first.  But it should NEVER be painful or hurt.  If it does, you need a position/latch fix and to reach out to skilled help.

Breastfeeding latch trick

Imagine velcro attaching their belly to your belly.

have a manual back up

Buy a manual breast pump in case your electric pump bites the dust.  You can even use them for quick outings instead of lugging your big pump out with you.  Our fav is THIS one because it’s affordable and lasts forever.

the 2 secrets to breastfeeding success

Knowledge + Support.  Take an online breastfeeding class to ensure you go into breastfeeding fully educated and empowered!  ENROLL IN OUR FREE CLASS

The clip hack

Easily hold up your shirt when you’re breastfeeding or pumping using these cheap clips.

learn the SMUSH method

Want to double your pumping output?  Learn our trademark SMUSH method.

Keep an extra set

If you’re a working mama, you never know when you’ll forget a pump part or bottle.  Keep an extra set of pumping supplies at work.

check your flange size

Make sure you have the right size flanges for pumping.

breastfeeding hacks

the magical straw

Use water bottles with straw so you can sip your water without opening a lid and while you lay down.

pump in the car

Make use of time spent in your vehicle by getting a car adapter so you can pump in your car.

set an alarm

If you’re a working mama or exclusive pumping, set reminders on your phone so you’re less likely to forget a pumping session.

going out in public?

You can use a poncho as a nursing cover.

need a milk supply boost?

Try a lactation bar.

the hair band trick

In the middle of the night, it’s easy to forget which side you last fed one.  Use a simple hair band on the side you’re currently feeding on to remind yourself which side to feed on next. 

pump with reminders

Look at photos or videos of your baby or smell their baby blanket to speed up your letdown reflex.

the off-the-shoulder trick

Have any off the shoulder shirts in your closet?  They make a great shirt for nursing because they allow you quick, easy access.


Take a lecithin supplement.  Lecithin helps resolve current plugged ducts and helps prevent future ones. THIS is our favorite brand of lecithin. It’s non GMO, super affordable, and works like a charm.

the power of coconut oil

Did you know there’s 8 different ways to use coconut oil for pregnancy, breastfeeding (and pumping!)

up-cycle your bev boxes

You can use soda/seltzer water boxes to stores breast milk in your freezer.

breastfeeding hacks

check your health plan

Check your health plan. Your insurance company may cover the cost of seeing a lactation consultant postpartum depending on your plan.

the 2-shirt trick

To make breastfeeding in public easier, layer 2 tops on top of one other.  This way you won’t be exposed when you lift one shirt up to nurse. 

the fridge hack

If you’ll be pumping a lot in the same day, you can refrigerate your pump parts so you can reuse them that day. 

freeze flat

Freeze breast milk storage bags flat on their side for easy stacking in the freezer.

the gel hack

Choose gel ice packs to freeze your milk instead of water-based ones.  Gel has a much lower freezing point to will keep your breast milk colder for longer. 

zen it out to pump more

Relaxing will increase your milk output while you pump.

Heat Up Bottles Outside The Home

Bring a wide mouth thermos filled with hot water. 

is your pediatrician breastfeeding-friendly?

Ask them these 7 questions.

wash separately

Have a dedicated basin and cleaning brush for your pump parts to avoid spreading bacteria.

traveling and need privacy to nurse?

Find a mamava near you!  They’re small lactation pods that provide a safe (and completely private) space to breastfeed or pump in public.

baby won’t latch after birth?

Learn hand expression!  It gets even more colostrum out than a traditional pump!

adjust your settings.

Set your breast pump’s suction as high as you can with it still being comfortable for you.

make pumping More Comfy

Use Beaugen Pump Cushions to make your flanges feel like a pillow!

the receiving blanket trick

For women with large breasts, instead of holding up your breast to feed your baby, use a rolled up blanket for support and to give your arms a break.

free up your hands while you breastfeed

Nurse in a baby carrier.  Being able to feed your baby while still being productive is a total game-changer!  THIS is our favorite carrier for nursing.

freeze some lactation cookies

Make lactation cookies in bulk and freeze the extra.  Whenever you need a milk supply boost, thaw some out.  We love a good lactation cookie mix because it makes the process of baking lactation cookies so easy!

keep your supply up when your period returns

Just before your period starts, your blood calcium levels drop which may cause your milk supply to temporarily go down. To combat this, you can take a Calcium Magnesium Supplement.

create a nursing basket

Instead of creating a “breastfeeding station, create your very own breastfeeding basket!  It’s portable and contains everything you need/wish for while you’re nursing/pumping.

2 words: water bottles

You’re going to be extra thirsty each time you breastfeed or pump.  Keep extra water bottles everywhere!

style hack

Use an infinity scarf as an alternative to a nursing cover.  

the t-shirt trick

Cut holes in a simple tee shirt so you can layer another shirt on top and still have easy access.

Get trustworthy drug help

Curious if a medication is compatible with breastfeeding?  Get reliable info at the Infant Risk Center.

join a free support group

Join an online breastfeeding support group on Facebook.  Our fav is Milky Mommas!

the best position for a deep latch

Learn the laid back breastfeeding position for a deep latch.  It's a passive breastfeeding position where you're reclined, leaning back and your baby is tummy down on your chest. Every part of the baby's body is facing, touching, and closely held to your body by gravity.


boost milk supply naturally

The absolute best way to increase your breast milk supply is to take a nursing vacation.

Have someone else introduce a bottle

When you’re ready to introduce a bottle, have someone else give it to your baby because they’ll be more likely to take it.  Your baby associates you with breastfeeding and it may confuse them.

lactation power foods

Learn which foods naturally help your body produce more milk. There are over 57 lactogenic foods out there. 

avoid dry nipples

Moisturize your nipples after every feeding in the beginning to keep them healthy.  We love lanolin!

wash pump parts in a flash

These quick steam bags are perfect for sanitizing on-the-go.

ease engorgement.

You can use frozen peas.

packs for pain

Use TheraPearl packs for pain.  They serve double duty.  The cold helps relieve engorgement while the heat encourages letdown and helps relieve plugged ducts.

bust out a button-down!

Button-down shirts are great for breastfeeding because you can unbutton only the top and keep the bottom buttoned for privacy.

get a soft glow at night

Himalayan sea salt lamps provide the perfect soft light for nighttime breastfeeding.

pumping cover

Use your nursing cover as a pumping cover.  When you’re pumping you need privacy too!

special toys trick

Have a special toy bin you get out for older children to occupy them while you breastfeed or pump.

get more sleep

Get more sleep by dream feeding.  It’s when you rouse your baby—without fully waking—to feed one more time before you turn in for the night.

think you have low milk supply?

You might not!  There are 12 common fake out signs of low milk supply.

the warm wash cloth hack

If you’re not getting a milk let down for any reason, try a warm washcloth and a massage to get the milk flowin’.

look for family restrooms

Family restrooms tend to be larger than regular bathroom stalls and usually have chairs and changing tables… perfect for nursing.

nurse lying-down

Learn how to nurse lying down or in the side-lying position. This will let you relax and get some extra rest being a new mama.

look to the fists

Look to your baby’s firsts to see if they’re full.  If your baby fell asleep with their fists clenched, they're still hungry.  If their fists are relaxed, they're full.


Find a local breastfeeding meeting near you.  La Leche League is present in 89 countries around the world!

the ice cube hack

Pour your breast milk into ice cube trays and freeze.  You can then put the cubes into large plastic storage bags.  Each cube is 1 ounce of milk.

breastfeeding tips

stock up on the right snacks

You need to consume around 500 additional calories every day as a breastfeeding mom.  The best snacks are nutritious and easy to eat one-handed.  Here’s a great list of snacks.

pump on the go

Get a pumping adapter so you can pump in your car.

wake up your newborn to nurse

If your newborn falls asleep too soon into a feeding, gently caress the side of their face and up to the ear. It triggers the rooting reflex so they’ll keep feeding.

the comb trick

You can use a wide tooth comb to try to get rid of a plugged milk duct.

never toss expired breast milk

You can add it to your baby's bath.

go potty first

Use the bathroom before a feeding session.  You never know how long they'll want to nurse and they might fall asleep on you.

Deliver In a Baby-friendly hospital

Baby-friendly Hospitals have the highest standards for offering breastfeeding support to mothers.  Find one near you HERE.

be proactive in seeking help

Find the contact info of an IBCLC you love before you deliver and keep their information close-by in case you run into any problems.

Seek Out double-duty clothes

You can save money by purchasing clothes that double for both maternity AND breastfeeding.

want pumping privacy?

Print out a cute, FREE pumping sign!

start back on a wednesday.

If you're going back to work, consider starting back later in the week (rather than a Monday) so you can ease into a full week.

clogged duct hack

Try filling a haakaa with warm water and epsom salts and then suction your affected breast to draw out the clog.  You may have to do this for several minutes a few times a day.

a latch trick for a deep latch.

Learn the flipple method to get a deep latch.


avoid certain herbs

Certain foods and herbs may lower your supply.  (peppermint, parsley, and sage are a few)

break your baby’s latch properly

To gently break your baby’s latch, slide one finger into the side of your baby’s mouth while they’re feeding and slowly move your finger to break the suction.

one last latch trick

Remember tummy to tummy and nose to nipple. 

Our 3 Fav Breastfeeding Products

🌛 1. This nursing bra is the absolute BEST for breastfeeding at night. It’s super comfortable and made of the softest material ever. You’ll want to wear it forever to sleep in, even after you’re done breastfeeding.

💪 2. Boost supply and tone up postpartum. Milk Dust is protein powder made just for breastfeeding moms. It nourishes and tones postpartum bodies (and contains milk boosting ingredients too!)  Get 10% off Milk Dust using the code MILKOLOGY at checkout

🤱 3. If your nipples are sore, these are an absolute lifesaver. They’re super cheap, can be worn for multiple days (perfect when you’re trying to get a good latch), and are soooo soothing.


Free Expressed Milk Calculator


6 Nursing Clothes Must-Haves (with DIY hacks!)