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Do Lactation Cookies Work?

Milk supply is one of the biggest causes of anxiety for breastfeeding and pumping moms.

Of the women who stopped nursing before they wanted, almost 50% said low milk supply was the culprit. 

Knowing milk supply is a constant worry, it’s no wonder lactation cookies are super popular among breastfeeding moms!  They’re yummy, they’re convenient, they’re nutritious, and they claim to boost milk supply!  (QUADRUPLE win!) 

Did you know? 

Nursing moms need an additional 500 calories per day to support their milk-making bodies. (even more than the 3rd trimester of pregnancy!)

You’re probably wondering if lactation cookies actually do what they say they do… do they *actually* boost milk supply for breastfeeding mamas?  

Before you whip up a batch or add some to your cart, let’s find out!

(this post may contain affiliate links)

What are lactation cookies?

Lactation cookies are nutrient-dense cookies made with special ingredients that support the nutritional requirements for breastfeeding moms.  The active ingredients are called galactagogues.

A galactagogue is a Greek word for something you ingest—whether it's food or herbs—that’s believed to promote or increase milk supply. 

Disclaimer: Galactagogues are not a magic bullet to increasing milk supply and shouldn’t be the first line of treatment. If your breast milk supply is actually low, you need to ensure baby is removing milk efficiently (with a deep latch) and that you increase the frequency of your breastfeeding and pumping sessions.  The BEST way to boost your supply is to remove more milk than you currently are. (by adding extra nursing, pumping, or hand expression sessions)

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Did you know? 
Tons of women believe their milk supply is low, when it really isn’t.  Related article:
Signs of Low Milk Supply (And 12 Fake Outs!)

What ingredients are in lactation cookies?

Most lactation cookies contain a trio of galactagogues – oats, brewers yeast, and ground flaxseed. 

Because these ingredients are healthy and super foods on their own your body will get a nutritional boost even if they don’t boost your milk supply. (and as a new mom, you gotta take all the nourishment you can get your hands on!)

3 Galactagogues in Lactation Cookies


A soluble fiber that’s packed with protein, minerals, and vitamins to support a postpartum body.  Oats contain beta-glucan, a compound that’s believed to raise levels of prolactin (a key hormone for milk production).


Contains omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids (healthy fats) which make their way into your breast milk and to your baby.  Also contains phytoestrogens, a plant compound that stabilizes estrogen levels in the body.

Brewer’s Yeast

A super food that’s a good source of B vitamins and trace minerals chromium and selenium.  Naturally increases energy and mood levels.

Do lactation cookies work?

There isn’t enough conclusive research to absolutely confirm, without-a-doubt that lactation cookies increase milk supply. 

Instead, there’s plenty of anecdotal evidence and product reviews that breastfeeding moms increased their milk supply after eating the cookies.  

Lactation cookies are in the “can’t hurt/might help” category.  Even if they don’t boost your output, they’re a yummy and nutritious snack for postpartum moms!  

Also, everybody is different.  What works for one, may not work for another.  If anything, after eating a lactation cookie you’ll ensure you’re filling your body with whole grains and nutrients to nourish you regardless of the effect on your milk production levels.

Reasons you might want a lactation cookie

  • you’re experiencing low milk supply or a dip in production

  • you want to increase the amount of breast milk you make

  • you want an easy, one-handed snack for pumping and breastfeeding sessions

  • you’re trying to build a freezer stash

  • you pump at work

  • you’re struggling to fit in enough calories during the day

How fast do lactation cookies work?

It can depend on the individual, but typically women report seeing results within 24-48 hours.  Results vary between moms.

Lactation cookies recipe

Before we were Milkology, we were a lactation cookie mix business.  Get our famous oatmeal pudding lactation cookie recipe!

You can turn any dessert into a lactation snack by simply adding oats, brewers yeast, and ground flaxseed to the recipe. Brownies, oatmeal cookies, banana bread, and muffins are amazing as lactation treats!

See this Amazon product in the original post

What happens if a man eats lactation cookies?

Nothing!  Males, non-lactating women, and children can consume lactation cookies since they’re simply oatmeal cookies with extra super foods added. 

Where to buy lactation cookies

You can find lactation cookies on Amazon!  THIS is our favorite brand because it tastes the best and has no weird aftertaste like some do.

Our Favorite Way To Make Lactation Cookies

Whip them up in the oven easily using a lactation cookie mix!  

See this Amazon product in the original post

Our 3 FAV Breastfeeding Products

🌛 1. This nursing bra is the absolute BEST for breastfeeding at night. It’s super comfortable and made of the softest material ever. You’ll want to wear it forever to sleep in, even after you’re done breastfeeding.

💪 2. Boost supply and tone up postpartum. Milk Dust is protein powder made just for breastfeeding moms. It nourishes and tones postpartum bodies (and contains milk boosting ingredients too!)  Get 10% off Milk Dust using the code MILKOLOGY at checkout

🤱 3. If your nipples are sore, these are an absolute lifesaver. They’re super cheap, can be worn for multiple days (perfect when you’re trying to get a good latch), and are soooo soothing.

Related Articles:
5 Lactation Drinks That Boost Milk Supply

Does Body Armor Actually Increase Milk Supply?