62 Positive Affirmations For Birth

Thinking about your upcoming birth is enough to give anyone a panic attack!

Ready to calm your nerves?

Take a deep inhale… breathe out slowly, and read the following positive affirmations for birth.

(you’re welcome!)

Positive affirmations for birth

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Positive Affirmations For Birth

  1. My body knows how to nourish and grow my baby.

  2. My baby is developing normally and will be born healthy, whole, safe, and at the perfect time.

  3. I know how to take care of myself in pregnancy.

  4. I protect myself and my baby by allowing only positive thoughts and words about pregnancy and childbirth. 

  5. My baby is nestled safely in my womb.

  6. I educate myself to make the best possible decisions for my baby’s birth.

  7. My body is divinely made. It knows how to protect and care for my baby during pregnancy.

  8. I welcome the changes that come with pregnancy and giving birth.

  9. Pregnancy is safe for me and my baby.

  10. My body knows how to nourish my baby during pregnancy.

  11. My baby knows their true birthday.

  12. I am connected to all women who are pregnant all over the world.

  13. I am bringing a perfectly healthy, whole, and strong child into this world.

  14. My baby will be born at the perfect time.

  15. My baby will find the perfect position for birth.

  16. My body knows when to give birth.

  17. I feel blessed, privileged, and favored to carry my baby inside of me.

  18. I am happy and excited about my pregnancy and I’m looking forward to a calm, quiet, and beautiful birth.

  19. I will be a great mother.

  20. I am healthy and flying through my pregnancy.

  21. My baby knows how and when to be born and I patiently await her arrival.

  22. My body is accepting my baby and my pregnancy will end with the safe birth of a healthy baby.

  23. I choose to enjoy every second in this journey of pregnancy, even on difficult days.

  24. I will be ready and prepared for a safe, beautiful, and effortless birthing experience.

  25. My baby and I are working together to prepare for her birth and we are both grateful for this powerful experience.

  26. I am healthy.

  27. Every week is a step closer to meeting my bundle of joy.

  28. I am strong, courageous, confident, and resilient enough to face this pregnancy.

  29. I educate myself to make the best possible decisions for my pregnancy and my baby’s birth.

  30. I cherish and celebrate the gift of pregnancy, life, and motherhood.

  31. My most important job in pregnancy and childbirth is to simply relax, stay centered, serene, and balanced, and to allow my baby’s birth to happen. 

  32. My birth will happen at the perfect time.

Positive Affirmations For Birth
(Labor + Delivery)

  1. Contractions help to bring my baby to me.

  2. I surrender, knowing that my body knows exactly what to do.

  3. Birth is safe for my baby and me.

  4. My body is perfectly equipped to give birth.

  5. My baby's head fits snugly into my pelvis.

  6. I accept my birth.

  7. I can do this.

  8. Birth is powerful. I will let it empower me.

  9. I can make it through this, the calm is just on the horizon.

  10. Birth is safe for me and my baby.

  11. My body knows how to give birth.

  12. I have the strength to handle the pain of labor. It will be alright.

  13. I am ready to hold my baby.

  14. I accept my labor and birth.

  15. Each surge of my body brings my baby closer to me.

  16. I embrace the concept of healthy pain.

  17. With each wave that comes, I will breathe calmly and flow with it.

  18. I deeply trust my instincts and my body, and I trust I am capable of safely delivering my baby.

  19. I trust my body.

  20. Soon, I will finally get to hold my baby.

  21. I will go through every contraction until I have my baby in my arms.

  22. I accept this pain with an open heart and welcome my baby into the world.

  23. I believe in myself and my natural ability to give birth easily, peacefully, and in comfort.

  24. My baby is in the perfect position to come to the world efficiently and smoothly.

  25. I am prepared to meet whatever turns my birthing takes.

  26. My body was designed to nourish, protect, and grow my baby in my belly.

  27. I know this is the right time for my baby to come to the world and bless our family.

  28. I trust my body knows how to safely guide my baby out of the womb and into my arms.

  29. I release the discomfort of pregnancy, I let go of the worry, tension and the fear of birth and I am focused on the joy of meeting my child.

  30. My life will soon be better because my baby will be in it.

Our 3 Fav Breastfeeding Products

🌛 1. This nursing bra is the absolute BEST for breastfeeding at night. It’s super comfortable and made of the softest material ever. You’ll want to wear it forever to sleep in, even after you’re done breastfeeding.

💪 2. Boost supply and tone up postpartum. Milk Dust is protein powder made just for breastfeeding moms. It nourishes and tones postpartum bodies (and contains milk boosting ingredients too!)  Get 10% off Milk Dust using the code MILKOLOGY at checkout

🤱 3. If your nipples are sore, these are an absolute lifesaver. They’re super cheap, can be worn for multiple days (perfect when you’re trying to get a good latch), and are soooo soothing.


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