13 Powerful Affirmations For Baby

Congratulations… you’ve got a new baby!

Words are powerful. Show your baby how much you love them by saying the following beautiful affirmations to them on the daily.

affirmations for baby

It’s a GREAT idea to take a simple and affordable breastfeeding class. Breastfeeding is something you need to LEARN to do. The Ultimate Breastfeeding Class is on-demand and perfect for new moms.

13 Affirmations For Baby

  1. My baby feels my love.

  2. I love my baby.

  3. My baby loves me.

  4. I was chosen to be this baby’s mother.

  5. My baby is safe and loved.

  6. My baby senses the peace and safety I feel.

  7. I will make the right decisions for my baby.

  8. My baby is healthy, beautiful, and strong.

  9. My baby is safe, wrapped in a warm cocoon of my love.

  10. My baby and I are healthy and strong.

  11. My baby is loved and our bond and connection grows stronger every day.

  12. I love my baby unconditionally.

  13. My baby is happy and safe.

BONUS! Affirmations For New Moms!

  1. I am a good mother.

  2. I know how to take care of my baby.

  3. My life is better for having this pregnancy and this baby.

  4. I was divinely chosen and called to be the mother of this child and I am good enough to care for her.

  5. I relax and my baby relaxes with me.

  6. I celebrate the gift of life and motherhood.

  7. I welcome the challenge of motherhood with gratitude and a warm heart filled with love.

  8. Everything I feel and experience is part of the great experience of motherhood.

  9. I trust my instincts to do what is best for my baby.

  10. I am a dedicated and loving mother.

  11. I welcome the challenge of motherhood with grace, gratitude, and a warm heart filled with love.

  12. I intuitively know the needs of my baby.

  13. I allow myself to enjoy this precious time with my baby.

  14. I was chosen to be this baby’s perfect mother.

  15. I always choose what’s best for my baby and myself.

  16. My connection to my baby grows stronger every day.

Our 3 Fav Breastfeeding Products

🌛 1. This nursing bra is the absolute BEST for breastfeeding at night. It’s super comfortable and made of the softest material ever. You’ll want to wear it forever to sleep in, even after you’re done breastfeeding.

💪 2. Boost supply and tone up postpartum. Milk Dust is protein powder made just for breastfeeding moms. It nourishes and tones postpartum bodies (and contains milk boosting ingredients too!)  Get 10% off Milk Dust using the code MILKOLOGY at checkout

🤱 3. If your nipples are sore, these are an absolute lifesaver. They’re super cheap, can be worn for multiple days (perfect when you’re trying to get a good latch), and are soooo soothing.


16 Powerful Affirmations For New Moms


62 Positive Affirmations For Birth