The 3 Best (Most Comfy!) Nursing Pads 2024

Being a breastfeeding mom means that, more times than not, your breasts are full of milk and ready to leak at any moment...

When it comes to finding a great nursing pad you probably want some that both stop visible leakage AND are affordable!

Don’t worry, mama… we’ve got your covered (literally!)

best nursing pads

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Why Use Nursing Pads?

Nursing pads are a breastfeeding mom's best friend. 

They help ease the worry of having two big wet circles on your breasts all day. 😬

Once you find a good set of nursing pads, you'll be able to walk out of your house without any fear of leakage going forward.


3 Benefits Of Using Nursing Pads 

  1. Saves you from having to change out your shirts a zillion times a day

  2. Keeps your confidence up by not being embarrassed by milk leaks on your shirts

  3. Allows you to feel clean and worry less when the nursing pads are catching the milk that is coming out of your breasts 


Different Types of Nursing Pads

When it comes to nursing pads you really have two main options…

Reusable Nursing Pads vs. Disposable Nursing Pads

The names of the two options pretty much give it away but the difference between the two is that the disposable nursing pads can only be worn once before they have to be discarded while the reusable nursing pads can be cleaned and washed and used over and over again. 

The pros of being able to use nursing pads more than once are that you'll save money and they’re eco-friendly. The cons are that you may have "mom brain" and forget to keep up with your laundry and find yourself without nursing pads when you really need them!

The pros of disposable nursing pads are that you can change the pads quickly and easily in a matter of seconds and just toss the old ones when you're done.  You don’t have to wash them, dry them, or wait to use them.  The cons of using them are that they're more expensive and going to be a constant cost that you're going to have to pay for.  Essentially you’re paying for convenience.

3 Things To Look For In A Good Nursing Pad

Best Nursing Pads

When you're shopping for nursing pads, there are three main things that you need to keep an eye out for. 

1. Comfort

Trust me on this one...the nursing pads need to be soft and comfortable because you're going to be wearing them nonstop. Don't skimp on this feature - it's so important! 

2. Breathability

While you want your nursing pads to stop the leaks, you need to be certain that they're breathable as well. Otherwise, you'll notice that you'll start to smell "sour" because the milk that is leaking out will just be sitting there in an enclosed space. 

3. Practicality

You have to decide what works best for you. Are you good about keeping up with the laundry or do you know deep down that there’s no way you're going to actually wash your breast pads on time? If disposable is going to be best for you, that's important to know from the start! 

The 3 Best Nursing Pads 

Bamboo Nursing Pads

The highlight of these bamboo nursing pads is that they're crazy soft and super absorbent.  Plus, you get 14 pairs for under $10!


  • reusable

  • machine washable

  • eco-friendly because you’re not creating excess waste

  • breathable and wick away moisture so you don’t have a “spoiled” milk smell from leakage


  • take a long time to dry once they’re washed (however, they come with 14 pairs so if you’re needing new ones quickly, just use a new set!)


Bamboobies Overnight Nursing Pads

These nursing pads are a great option because they’re reusable and offer advanced protection for overnight leakage. You can use them specifically for when you’re sleeping!


  • great for women who tend to leak more at night.

  • super absorbent


  • can lose their shape overtime (the good thing is you’ll only be wearing them at night so no one will see them on you anyway!)


Bundle Bliss Disposable Ultra-Thin Breast Pads

These are the thinnest breast pads out there! Yet (amazingly!) they can still hold up to 120 ml. of milk! Moms rave about how discreet they are.


  • comfortable and super soft on the interior

  • discreet

  • have a strong adhesive on the back that keeps the pads where you put them

  • naturally curve around the breast and don’t look weird under your bra 


  • you have to keep buying them because they’re disposable



Final Thoughts about Nursing Pads

No doubt — nursing pads are an absolute NECESSITY for breastfeeding. This isn't just something that you can skimp on and hope that it goes away.

Your boobs are going to be leaking milk no matter what!

Personally, I love the washable pads to use at night because it's simple to clean several pairs at a time and have them ready to go.  And then I also invest in disposable ones that I can keep in my purse for day-to-day outings or whenever I have something important going on.  

Every mom and breastfeeding situation is unique!  I say buy a couple different ones and see what works best for you!

Our 3 Fav Breastfeeding Products

🌛 1. This nursing bra is the absolute BEST for breastfeeding at night. It’s super comfortable and made of the softest material ever. You’ll want to wear it forever to sleep in, even after you’re done breastfeeding.

💪 2. Boost supply and tone up postpartum. Milk Dust is protein powder made just for breastfeeding moms. It nourishes and tones postpartum bodies (and contains milk boosting ingredients too!)  Get 10% off Milk Dust using the code MILKOLOGY at checkout

🤱 3. If your nipples are sore, these are an absolute lifesaver. They’re super cheap, can be worn for multiple days (perfect when you’re trying to get a good latch), and are soooo soothing.

Stacey Stewart, C.L.E

Meet Stacey, the founder and creative force behind Milkology. As a mom of three, she gets how confusing and overwhelming breastfeeding can be. Her mission? To modernize lactation education — so moms all around the world can turn nursing woes into wins.♡

Because knowledge is power!


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