10 Genius Tips To Increase Milk Supply

In order to make the perfect amount of milk for your baby, it’s important to understand the fundamentals…

Whether you're a new parent navigating the ins and outs of breastfeeding or a seasoned pro looking to give your milk supply a little boost, you've come to the right place.

We've got 10 game-changing tips to make sure your milk flow is as fierce as your mom game.

Inspirational breastfeeding and milk supply images saying “I make milk. What’s your superpower.”

(this post may contain affiliate links)

About Breast Milk Production

Your milk-making factory, aka your breasts, operates on a pretty cool system.

When your baby (or that trusty breast pump) starts suckling away, it's like hitting the play button on a well-oiled machine. Hormones, particularly prolactin and oxytocin, get the party started. Prolactin's the MVP here, signaling your mammary glands to start churning out that liquid gold, while oxytocin jumps in to help squeeze out the goods. It's like a synchronized dance routine, orchestrated by your body to keep your little one happily slurping away.

And here's the kicker: the more you nurse or pump, the more your body gets the memo to keep the milk flowing. It's like your breasts are saying, 'Hey, we've got a hungry baby on the line – time to step up production!'

10 Genius breastfeeding Tips to Increase Milk Supply!

Demand enough milk from your body

The golden rule for milk supply is that milk production = Supply + Demand. Your milk supply depends almost ENTIRELY on how much and how often you empty your breasts.

Milk removal triggers milk production. So at its most basic - to make enough milk for your baby, feed your baby plenty of milk enough times a day.

If you don’t remove enough milk throughout the day and night - your milk production will not keep up with baby.

Milk collects in your breasts between feedings (and that’s why you feel engorged when a lot of time has passed since your last feed). The more milk that accumulates in your breast throughout the day, the slower your speed of milk production and the less milk you’ll make.

On the flip side the more times you remove milk, the higher the rate of milk production and the more milk you’ll make.

We like to think of it like this - the amount that you breastfeed or pump today is like putting in an order of breast milk tomorrow!

Want a yummy way to boost your milk supply boost? Give THIS lactation cookie a try. (it's the best tasting out there!)

For a healthy milk supply, start removing milk a.s.a.p after birth

Ideally practice latching within the first hour postpartum when your baby experiences something called the “GOLDEN HOUR.” (a special time right after birth when babies are generally awake, taking everything in, and looking for the breast)

If you’re separated from your baby after birth or your baby struggles to latch, you can hand express or pump. From the very beginning, it’s necessary for milk to be removed FREQUENTLY and EFFICIENTLY (via baby or expression).

Know that colostrum is enough the first few days…

Right after birth and until your milk officially comes in (usually around day 2-4 postpartum), your body will make colostrum. It’s a thick, yellow-tinged milk that’s small in amount but mighty in substance!

It’s jam-packed with immunities and is EXACTLY what your baby needs to thrive until your milk comes in. It’s potent, powerful stuff!

Colostrum is where the term liquid gold comes from and every DROP is beneficial for your baby. You won’t produce a lot of it but that’s no problem. Colostrum is enough because your baby’s tummy is TINY and the small amount of colostrum you produce is the perfect amount that they need as your milk transitions.

Breastfeed at night

Did you know that babies cycle through their sleep in a different pattern than adults? That definitely explains why we sometimes feel so tired taking care of babies at night!

Studies continually show that night waking is normal for infants and that breastfeeding at night is important for building and maintaining a robust milk supply. 

Sleeping in the same room as your baby can allow for easier middle of the night feedings.

Need an affordable solution for sleeping in the same room as baby? THIS is our favorite!

Ensure *EFFICIENT milk removal

It all comes down to a great latch from your baby or effectively expressing milk (either manually or from a pump).

You’ll know your baby is removing milk efficiently if they’re having proper amount of wet/dirty diapers for their age and they’re gaining along their growth curve.

If your baby doesn’t want to latch or can’t latch well, you’ll need to express your milk until they learn or are ready.

Because colostrum the first few days is so thick, hand expression is more efficient than a pump at getting it out.

If your baby is having trouble with latching, get help as soon as possible from an International Board Certified Lactation Consultant (IBCLC). They are amazing at troubleshooting latch issues and are the most qualified in lactation.

Your milk supply calibrates the first 40 days

The first 40 days are SO important for your milk supply. How much milk you remove during this time will affect your how much milk your body will eventually make.

That’s why moms can make enough milk for twins or even triplets!!!


Don’t freak out during growth spurts and cluster feeding

All babies occasionally experience growth spurts and sometimes cluster feed.

Babies react to a growth spurt by increasing their feeding frequency and duration for a few days up to a week to bump up your milk supply.

Cluster feedings happen when babies will cluster the feeds together and you may feel like they’re feeding every hour!

A lot of moms misinterpret growth spurts and cluster feeding as meaning their baby is not getting enough and then they start to doubt themselves and their body’s ability to produce milk.

Please know that ALL babies have growth spurts and cluster feed at times.

If you respond to your baby’s cues, feed on demand, and trust your body - your body will absolutely respond by making the perfect amount for your baby!

Feed on demand, always

Because breast milk is digested quickly by your baby (in about 90 minutes), you’ll need to remove milk frequently. The recommendation is at least 8-12 x every 24 hours.

Avoid missed feedings and avoid setting time restrictions for how long they feed.

Let your baby be your guide.

By knowing how to read your baby’s hunger cues and responding as soon as possible, you can trust that your baby will get enough and your milk supply will meet their demands.

Understand how much milk you’re actually making

For the 1st month your milk supply will increase quickly (during the calibration phase) and then once it’s calibrated your milk supply will plateau between 1 month and 6 months until you introduce solids.

Breastfed babies don’t need more milk as they get older (except for occasional growth spurts).

After you introduce solids (usually around 6 months) your supply will slowly decrease as your baby eats more and more food (although breast milk should still provide a majority of their nutrition throughout the first year).

Know what to expect

Did you know… Around 6-12 weeks your milk supply will regulate. During this time, your breasts may leak less, your let-down may be less obvious, your breasts may feel less full and you may even pump less. This it totally normal and means your milk supply has regulated to reach the optimum amount for your baby and you’re no longer making TOO much.

See other low milk supply fakeouts in THIS post!

Did you know… you can never completely empty the breast ? It’s like trying to empty a cup that’s always being refilled. more milk will keep flowing in while milk is being removed.

Did you know… As baby gets older and becomes more efficient, they’ll obtain more milk in less time and begin to space feedings farther apart.

Our 3 Fav Breastfeeding Products

🌛 1. This nursing bra is the absolute BEST for breastfeeding at night. It’s super comfortable and made of the softest material ever. You’ll want to wear it forever to sleep in, even after you’re done breastfeeding.

💪 2. Boost supply and tone up postpartum. Milk Dust is protein powder made just for breastfeeding moms. It nourishes and tones postpartum bodies (and contains milk boosting ingredients too!)  Get 10% off Milk Dust using the code MILKOLOGY at checkout

🤱 3. If your nipples are sore, these are an absolute lifesaver. They’re super cheap, can be worn for multiple days (perfect when you’re trying to get a good latch), and are soooo soothing.

Don't miss these breastfeeding FREEBIES...

(Use the coupon code milkology1 to grab any of the following for free, just pay shipping!)

Free Nursing Pillow

10 Pairs of Reusable Breast Pads

Nursing Cover

Stacey Stewart, C.L.E

Meet Stacey, the founder and creative force behind Milkology. As a mom of three, she gets how confusing and overwhelming breastfeeding can be. Her mission? To modernize lactation education — so moms all around the world can turn nursing woes into wins.♡
Because knowledge is power!


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