How To Build A Milk Stash While Exclusive Breastfeeding

When you’re exclusively breastfeeding and would like to build a freezer stash of breast milk, it can be hard to figure out the logistics of supplying enough milk to both feed your baby from the breast AND the freezer.

We asked a dozen+ moms who built up a significant stash of breast milk how they did it and some tricks they learned along the way…


(this post may contain affiliate links)

Pump in the morning to take advantage of Peak prolactin levels

FUN TIP: Your body makes more milk in the early morning hours due to a natural rise in Prolactin levels. Pumping in the early morning is a GREAT way to fit in a bonus pumping session for the freezer!

“I did a pumping session right after feeding my baby in the mornings and that gave me a decent stash before I went back to work!”
-Jackie G

“I built my little stash by pumping first thing in the morning right after baby ate.”
-Cynthia M.

Pump As Your Baby Sleeps More At Night

”When my daughter slept through the night, that’s when I would pump before going to bed and pump once more at night.”
-Jessica J.

“My son has long stretches of sleep through the night so I pump before bed and once overnight.”
-Erica B.

“I added in a pump after baby went to bed. It took some time to get my supply up at that time but my body now views it as a typical milk session.”
-Courtney L.

Use The Power Of A HAAKAA On The Opposite Side You’re Nursing On

“I was stressing myself out trying to pump and feed. It was messing with my mental state. I bought the haakaa and it really helped me build a stash.  In order to not be out of my mind I made myself a goal of one 3oz bag a day for now.”
-Jessica M.

“I highly recommend using a haakaa while nursing. You can build quite the stash from just that (and a lot less to clean!).”
-Janelle J.

“I have about 3,000oz in our freezer and babe is 6 months old. I use the haakaa on the side I’m not nursing on and I pump before I go to bed.”
-Tiffany G.

“I suggest using a haakaa on the opposite breast that you’re feeding on. I got about 1-3 extra ounces per feed, just from my letdown. I stored it in a bottle throughout the day in the fridge and bagged/froze before bed.”
-Hanah D.

Buy a Haakaa on Amazon for under $12!

Use Milk Catchers Instead of Nursing Pads To Catch Your Letdowns Through The Day

“Use a milk catcher when you nurse and pour it into a bottle. When the bottle is full, pour into a milk bag, label and date!”
-Ashley Marie L.

Get 15% off the Elvie Catch using the code: MILKOLOGY

Milk Stash Organization Tips For Fridge

“The ‘pitcher’ method has helped, especially when I wasn’t pumping enough for a whole bag. Cool the milk you just pumped in the fridge and then add to the pitcher once cooled. I bag milk in the pitcher after 3 days with 4oz in each bag. I pump usually when I am feeding on one side.”
-Emylee P.

Milk Stash Organization Tips For Freezer

“I had to find a way to keep track of milk in the freezer so I pinterested ways to organize. I love this “brick” method. Easy to do and easy to follow. Ziplocks are dated and have the total ounces of the bag written on them.”
-Kelsey B.


“Make the most of your freezer space with Freeze Flats.”
-Kimberly M.

Our 3 FAV Breastfeeding Products

🌛 1. This nursing bra is the absolute BEST for breastfeeding at night. It’s super comfortable and made of the softest material ever. You’ll want to wear it forever to sleep in, even after you’re done breastfeeding.

💪 2. Boost supply and tone up postpartum. Milk Dust is protein powder made just for breastfeeding moms. It nourishes and tones postpartum bodies (and contains milk boosting ingredients too!)  Get 10% off Milk Dust using the code MILKOLOGY at checkout

🤱 3. If your nipples are sore, these are an absolute lifesaver. They’re super cheap, can be worn for multiple days (perfect when you’re trying to get a good latch), and are soooo soothing.

Stacey Stewart, C.L.E

Meet Stacey, the founder and creative force behind Milkology. As a mom of three, she gets how confusing and overwhelming breastfeeding can be. Her mission? To modernize lactation education — so moms all around the world can turn nursing woes into wins.♡
Because knowledge is power!


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