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6 Home Remedies For Sore, Cracked Nipples

If you have cracked nipples from breastfeeding your newborn, you’re probably miserable and in pain and would like relief right away! 

Sore, cracked nipples are no joke and hurt so much. 

We asked a several IBCLCs (International Board Certified Lactation Consultants) what their favorite home remedy for cracked nipples is.

They gave some fabulous suggestions and the best part?  You probably have a lot of the remedies already in your house!

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It’s a GREAT idea to take a simple and affordable breastfeeding class. Breastfeeding is something you need to LEARN to do. The Ultimate Breastfeeding Class is on-demand and perfect for new moms.

While sore nipples are common, cracked nipples are NEVER normal. A mom should always see a lactation consultant if she’s experiencing any kind of nipple trauma like cracks, bruises, bleeding or blisters.

Nicole Kekesie, an IBCLC, says that any time she sees a mother who’s experiencing sore or cracked nipples she tries to figure out why it’s happening.  Is there a latch issue?  Is there a positioning issue?  The most effective thing to help with the pain is to look at the source. 

And another IBCLC, Julie Matheney, says that the BEST way to heal severe nipple damage is to get a good, deep latch consistently over time. 

Disclaimer: Make sure you get expert help if you have cracked nipples!



 “Correct positioning and a deep latch will help a mom avoid cracked, sore nipples.  With this her nipple will land in the baby’s soft palate area and the baby's gums cannot damage her nipples. To help with tenderness I would encourage mom to apply breast milk to her nipples and areola before and after feedings until correct position and latch are achieved.”

-Karen W. Bell, IBCLC at Breast Is Best Lactation Services LLC



“My favorite remedy for sore, damaged nipples is organic virgin coconut oil. It has antibacterial and anti-fungal properties and is incredibly healing and soothing. It is also inexpensive and easily found.”

-Laura Coulter, IBCLC at Chicago Lactation Consultants

See this Amazon product in the original post


“Moist healing is SO important for scab-covered nipples!   Scabs can block the milk from coming out so keeping your nipples soft and open is the key to better healing.  You can speed healing with plenty of moisturizing ointment.  Even olive oil works great! Here’s a video I created about how to help.”

-Danielle Downs Spradlin, IBCLC at Oasis Lactation Consultants


 “I have found that a chamomile tea bag that has been steeped and cooled is very soothing for cracked and painful nipples when breastfeeding.”

-Nicole Kekesi, IBCLC at The Breastfeeding Resource Center at Virtua


“First, make sure your baby is not latching to the tip of your nipple, which is the most common cause of nipple soreness. Then, to heal the nipples while improving the latch, dunk them in a solution of 1 cup warm water and 1/2 teaspoon table salt at least four times a day.  Rinse with plain warm water and pat dry.”

-Beverley Rae, IBCLC at Breastfeeding Resources


According to Healthline, warm and damp compresses can be soothing for sore, cracked nipples after breastfeeding. 

Here’s how to do it:

  • Dip a washcloth in warm water.

  • Wring out excess liquid.

  • Place the washcloth over your nipple and breast for a few minutes.

  • Gently pat dry.

3 Over-the-Counter Remedies For Cracked Nipples


If you’d like to be proactive with your nipples - definitely use THIS nipple cream! It not only protects your nipples but also heals them like NO OTHER. Bonus - it also works amazing as lip balm!

See this content in the original post


“For moms who have pain or trauma, gel pads can be a real game changer!   I like the Ameda Comfort Gel pads the best. For added comfort have two pairs so you can keep one pair in the fridge and switch them after out each feeding.”

-Andrea Tran, IBCLC at Breastfeeding Confidential

See this Amazon product in the original post


”For moderate to severe nipple damage, Silverette cups can be a lifesaver to heal them quickly.”

-Julie Matheney, IBCLC at The LA Lactation Lady

See this Amazon product in the original post

Our 3 Fav Breastfeeding Products

🌛 1. This nursing bra is the absolute BEST for breastfeeding at night. It’s super comfortable and made of the softest material ever. You’ll want to wear it forever to sleep in, even after you’re done breastfeeding.

💪 2. Boost supply and tone up postpartum. Milk Dust is protein powder made just for breastfeeding moms. It nourishes and tones postpartum bodies (and contains milk boosting ingredients too!)  Get 10% off Milk Dust using the code MILKOLOGY at checkout

🤱 3. If your nipples are sore, these are an absolute lifesaver. They’re super cheap, can be worn for multiple days (perfect when you’re trying to get a good latch), and are soooo soothing.