Get A FREE Nursing Cover! ($39 value)

free nursing cover

How to get a free nursing Cover

Go to Udder Covers and use the promo code MILKOLOGY1 at checkout. (It’ll take $39 off your order and you only pay for shipping!)

*There are over 20 gorgeous designs to choose from and they even have optional embroidery add-ons! 

Nursing alone and behind closed doors isn’t always an option… Occasionally you may require a little extra discretion.

Nursing covers provide a quick and easy solution to help you feel more comfortable breastfeeding around others, especially in the early days when you and baby are still learning the ropes.  

Get a free nursing cover from Udder Covers!

Great news! We have a way for you to score a FREE nursing cover! Just enter the promo code MILKOLOGY1 when you checkout at Udder Covers and you’ll get $39 off your order!

*There are over 20 gorgeous designs to choose from and they even have optional embroidery add-ons! 

free nursing cover

The Udder Covers design:

  • Has a rigid neckline and large neck opening — which allows you to look down and see your baby while still staying covered

  • Is extra wide — providing you discretion and your baby plenty of room

  • Is made of 100% breathable cotton and are machine washable

  • Is easy to fold up and travel with

  • Makes a really great gift idea

Nursing Cover Pro Tip #1:

Nursing covers can help shield your baby from the elements when you’re breastfeeding outside.

Nursing Cover Pro Tip #2:

A nursing cover provides a cozy cocoon-like atmosphere for breastfeeding a distracted older baby. 

Ready for your FREE Nursing Cover?! 

Get your Udder Covers Nursing Cover ($39 value) now at Use the promotion code: MILKOLOGY1 at checkout.

Stacey Stewart, C.L.E

Meet Stacey, the founder and creative force behind Milkology. As a mom of three, she gets how confusing and overwhelming breastfeeding can be. Her mission? To modernize lactation education — so moms all around the world can turn nursing woes into wins.♡
Because knowledge is power!


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