How To Breastfeed And Lose Weight (Not Your Milk Supply!)

Are you a breastfeeding mama and want to shed some extra baby weight (and also get healthier!)?

The following suggestions are proven strategies to help you slim down post-baby AND get healthy for the long term.

But keep in mind this is NOT a quick-fix solution...  we don’t include any fad diets, weight loss medications or crazy restrictions - none of which is recommended while breastfeeding.

DISCLAIMER:  Anyone who wants to lose weight should consult with their healthcare provider first.

Breastfeeding weight loss diet

(this post may contain affiliate links)


Be Patient And Give Yourself grace

Your body has gone through some MAJOR changes!  Remember, your pregnancy weight wasn’t gained overnight and so it won’t disappear quickly either.  It took 9 months to put it on, and so give yourself at least that long to get it off.

Plus - if you lose weight too quickly, your milk supply may decrease.  

Slow and steady doesn’t always win the race - but with weight loss, it definitely does!

2 (Must Follow) Rules to Maintain Your Milk Supply

It’s perfectly safe to lose weight while breastfeeding, as long as you follow two simple rules.

Rule #1:  Give Yourself a Break the First Couple Months

Don’t do anything to consciously lose weight the first 8 weeks postpartum. Your body needs time to recover from childbirth and establish a healthy milk supply.  During the first 8 weeks just focus on staying nourished, hydrated, getting as much rest as you can and taking care of your baby.  

Are you more than 8 weeks postpartum? Check out this awesome 28-day workout and meal plan, designed just for breastfeeding moms!

Rule #2:   Eat Enough Calories

Not eating enough nourishment while breastfeeding may negatively impact your milk supply.  Breastfeeding burns on average 200-500+ calories per day so this means that even though you’ll probably eat more during breastfeeding, you STILL can lose weight!  Aim to eat a minimum of 1,800 calories per day to keep your milk supply.

PRO-TIP:  Readjust your calorie intake as your baby weans.

Once your baby is around 6 months and begins to eat solid food (or whenever you begin to wean), you won’t need to eat as many calories each day to sustain breastfeeding.  At that time you’ll need to re-evaluate your diet and perhaps reduce the amount of food you’re eating so you don’t begin to gain weight.

Eat Nourishing Food

Did you know losing weight is 85% DIET and 15% exercise?  

It’s true!  It’s SO much easier to lose weight by controlling your diet than by simply adding in exercise.

And having a healthy diet goes WAY beyond simply cutting calories.

You need to ensure you’re consuming the right KINDS of calories by choosing nutritious foods.

Here’s what to eat to lose weight while breastfeeding:


Protein can be obtained from a variety of different foods, but you should aim for “lean” protein. 

Lean protein foods:

  • chicken

  • fish

  • beans

  • protein powders 

PRO-TIP:  You can add a scoop of protein powder to your daily morning smoothie so you get fruits, vegetables AND lean protein!

We love Milk Dust protein powder!  It contains vitamins and minerals specifically for breastfeeding moms AND added galactagogues to help boost your milk supply!


Get 10% off your Milk Dust purchase! Use the code: MILKOLOGY at checkout


Try to eat complex carbohydrates and focus on whole grains and whole wheat products.

  • whole grain English muffins

  • brown rice

  • whole wheat pasta

  • sweet potatoes

  • quinoa

  • oats

  • buckwheat

PRO-TIP: Try to avoid empty calorie carbs from “white” products like white bread, pasta, and sugary snacks/desserts whenever possible.


It may seem counter-intuitive to add fat to your diet while trying to lose weight, but healthy fats are important for both you and your baby when you’re breastfeeding. (some even makes it into your breast milk!)

  • nuts (walnuts and almonds are the best!)

  • nut butters

  • salmon

  • hemp seeds

  • chia seeds

  • flax seeds

  • olives

  • olive oil

  • coconut oil

  • avocados


Fruits and veggies should make up a large part of your daily caloric intake.  Aim to eat a wide variety, aiming to eat all the colors of the rainbow.  :)

PRO-TIP: A simple way to get a healthy dose of these foods is to start your day with a fruit and vegetable smoothie. Beyond that, try to include a serving of veggies with both lunch and dinner to complete your day. Vegetables and fruits make excellent snacks between meals as well.

Eat and drink throughout the day

You probably have already noticed this but breastfeeding makes you EXTRA hungry!  (and it makes you STAY super hungry)

To help fight off the never-ending hunger it’s best to spread your meals throughout the day.

So instead of having only 2-3 meals daily - aim to eat 3 smaller meals with 2-3 snacks.

Eating more often will help rev up your metabolism and also fuel your body to have more energy throughout the day.

Drink Water

During pregnancy and breastfeeding your body requires extra water to stay hydrated.  

But did you know that unless you’re severely dehydrated, drinking extra fluids won’t increase your milk supply (despite popular belief).  

However, drinking lots of water is FABULOUS for weight loss and overall health.

Drinking water helps aid digestion and transports nutrients throughout your body.  Not only that it helps your body naturally shed unwanted pounds because it helps you feel fuller for longer and prevents you from overeating.

To figure out how much water to drink daily to help you lose weight, multiply your weight by ⅔ (or 67%).

Tips to help you drink more water:

  • steep fresh fruit, veggie slices, or herbs in your water (ex: lemon, cucumber, ginger, celery, basil, mint) 

  • drink a glass after every bathroom break.  It’ll help incorporate the habit into your daily routine and create a great cycle!  The more you drink, the more you’ll have to go to the bathroom and then the more you’ll drink and so on!

  • incorporate water-rich foods into your diet  (ex: cucumber, zucchini, watermelon, grapefruit)

  • drink herbal teas (hot or cold)

  • you drink more if you use a straw!  Invest in a reusable plastic one!

  • aim to drink a certain amount of ounces by deadlines.  (ex: 24 ounces by 10am, 48 ounces by 1pm and so on…)


Obviously sleep is hard to come by as a new mom.  You’re actually probably DESPERATE for more sleep.

And it pains me to say this - but sleep is super important to helping your body lose weight faster.

Why sleep is important for losing weight:

  •  Poor sleep can increase your appetite.  Studies show that people who are sleep-deprived have an increased appetite the next day.

  • Sleep deprivation dulls activity in the frontal lobe of the brain which is in charge of decision making and self control.  

  • Lack of sleep increases your cravings for foods that are higher in calories, carbs, and fat.

  • Poor sleep decreases your resting metabolism.

  • A lack of sleep can cause daytime fatigue, making you less likely and less motivated to exercise.

I know you’re probably thinking… but HOW DO I GET MORE SLEEP?!

Tips to get more sleep with a new baby at home:

  1. Sleep when your baby sleeps.  Accept that your house is dirty or messy and just take a nap.  It’s more important. (everything will get done eventually!)

  2. Say yes to help.  If someone shows up to help see if they can watch the baby for a bit while you catch up on sleep.

  3. Work out a schedule with your partner.  Perhaps you can trade off baby-duty in the middle of the night so you can catch some extra zzz’s.

  4. Sleep close to your baby.  Having your baby right next to you helps you breastfeed easier, with less movements and distractions, allowing you to go back to sleep easier after a feeding.  We love bassinets that are meant to bump right up next to your bed!


DISCLAIMER - consult with your healthcare provider before starting any postnatal exercise program.  

Once your physician has cleared you for physical activity (usually around 6-8 weeks postpartum), you can pair dieting with exercise to promote weight loss at a safe pace.  

Exercise is shown to have no negative effect on milk supply!

Gradually ease into exercise.  Not only will exercising help you lose weight more quickly, but it’ll make you feel better too!

Studies show that exercise during postpartum can help prevent and lessen the effects of postpartum mood disorders such as the “baby blues” or even postpartum depression. 

Ideas for postpartum exercise:

  • Go for brisk walks outside with your baby in the stroller.

  • Practice yoga indoors with your baby by your side.  

  • Do workout videos at home

  • See if there’s any local mom workout meetups

  • The options are endless!  Exercise can involve whatever you naturally enjoy doing.  :)

Prefer a structured program?
Milky Mama’s Postpartum Plan


Milky Mama’s Postpartum Plan - Get 10% off enrollment using the code: MMPP10OFF at checkout!


A 28-day workout and meal plan, designed just for breastfeeding moms!

  • Nourish your body with 56 slimming lactogenic recipes for healing and strength while breastfeeding

  • Regain your strength postpartum with quick 20-minute postpartum workouts. (BONUS: It even includes a pelvic floor routine and 2 baby wearing workouts!)

Get 10% off The Milky Mama’s Postpartum Plan using the code: MMPP10OFF at checkout!


Get 10% OFF Milk Dust Protein Powder!

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All About Oxytocin: The Cuddle Chemical Released During Breastfeeding


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