Help! Breastfeeding and my breasts feel empty!

Milkology Q&A


My baby is 1 month old and in the late evenings my supply often feels empty which makes feedings really hard. But lately in the morning I am also having similar experiences. Where my baby seems to get impatient on the breast since nothing appears to come out. I have tried pumping, expressing milk. What else can I do? 



This sounds like a stressful situation and I understand why you’re concerned. It’s actually common for breast milk supply to fluctuate and be lower in the evening, but it sounds like you feel less full in the morning as well. It’s also normal for moms to have a bit of an oversupply at first and for supply to even out and for your breasts to feel less full starting around 4-6 weeks. So it’s possible that what you are experiencing is normal. But if you have concerns, you should be proactive now. One thing you can do is visit your pediatrician to get a weight check. Usually if your baby is gaining weight well, your supply is likely okay. If you continue to have concerns, talk to your pediatrician or consider seeing a lactation consultant who will be able to get a more accurate picture of your milk supply by observing you breastfeed and possibly doing a pre- and post- nursing weight check to get a snapshot of how much your baby takes at the breast.

Stacey Stewart, C.L.E

Meet Stacey, the founder and creative force behind Milkology. As a mom of three, she gets how confusing and overwhelming breastfeeding can be. Her mission? To modernize lactation education — so moms all around the world can turn nursing woes into wins.♡
Because knowledge is power!


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